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Matthew Daub Plein air watercolor Italy Arts Sojourn
The term plein air is derived from the French and is used to describe painting done outdoors on location. Although it is sometimes associated with Impressionism, plein air painting does not conform to any single style, subject, approach, or philosophy. The paintings in this gallery were all painted in Italy where the artist has spent part of most summers. Matthew was the director of Arts Sojourn, an Italian art/travel program he ran for over twenty years.

 “Although my professional focus has always been on my studio work, I am also an avid plein air painter. For me there is nothing more honest or liberating than to stand in front of my subject without any pre-conceived notions about art making. I use plein air painting simply as a means of experiencing and appreciating my surroundings.” 

Piazza del Duomo, Spoleto


Transparent Watercolor 

Matthew Daub Plein air watercolor Italy Arts Sojourn

Calle del Tagia Piera, 1pm,  8 Giugno, Venice


Transparent Watercolor 

Matthew Daub Plein air watercolor Italy Arts Sojourn

Via del Fosso, Lucca 9:10am, 16 Giugno 


Transparent Watercolor

Matthew Daub Plein air watercolor Italy Arts Sojourn

Via Angelico Fabbri, Gubbio, 10am, 5 Giugno


Transparent Watercolor

Matthew Daub Plein air watercolor Italy Arts Sojourn

Bay of Silence, Sestri 22 Giugno 9:30am


Transparent Watercolor

Matthew Daub Plein air watercolor Italy Arts Sojourn

Bay of Silence, Sestri, 20 Giugno, 10am


Transparent Watercolor

Matthew Daub Plein air watercolor Italy Arts Sojourn

Sottopassaggio, Via S. Leonardo, Lucca, 10 Giugno, 3pm


Transparent Watercolor

© 2025 by Matthew Daub.

Works may not be reproduced without permission.

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